Dr. Kindreth Hamilton, DACM, MS, NBC-HWC
Holistic Women’s Health Coach


Longing for A Baby

I have experienced both sides of the fertility journey. I was the woman longing for a baby, and the health care provider imparting compassionate support to other women who also wished for a child. When I eventually entered the world of IVF, exhausted and nervous, I dwelt in the hope that surely this treatment would work.  

I reminded myself that the stress of repeat ultrasounds and bloodwork would all be worth it, oh for a baby in my arms!  

During a New Year’s Eve party I discovered that the first, of what would be many, IVF cycles had failed. That evening I was surrounded by exuberant pregnant women and a few new mothers.  I had to squash my emotions deep inside lest they unleash a torrent of devastation.  On a darkened car journey home that night I silently cried.   

There would be a miscarried cycle, and cycles where no eggs fertilized, or none made it to freeze and I had to start a fresh cycle all over again.  

Like you, I know first-hand that infertility is deep-to-the-core exhausting. 

I gave myself permission to slow down and to step back from treatment.  As Spring emerged I began a healing process with acupuncture, hormone nourishing herbs, healthy eating, and the soul-comfort of riding my horse.

I made a hard decision to take a break from fertility treatments to let my head and heart find inner peace. I knew I needed a rewiring and to reset physically and emotionally.  I poured myself into riding my horse to feel strength and freedom.  I allowed myself to infuse calm into the fertility process.  When I refocused on healthy eating, mindfulness techniques, and acupuncture I found a new level of healing. 

I am grateful to be a mama to two beautiful sons —and I remind them often that they were wanted so much!


My desire is to support and equip you with practical, life changing resources on your fertility journey.

I came to health coaching by way of years of clinical training and working in private practice as an acupuncturist and Chinese medicine herbalist. I hold a doctoral in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from Pacific College and a Master of Science in Pain Research, Education, and Policy from Tufts University School of Medicine. I co-authored a Cochrane Review on Acupuncture for Pain in Endometriosis and trained in mind-body medicine techniques for infertility at the Domar Center at Boston IVF.  I am a nationally board certified health and wellness coach.

Although my journey in complementary medicine has been multifaceted, I have maintained a core focus of supporting women to be deeply healthy and to become active participants in their health. I have witnessed women transform from being passive receivers of health care to knowledge enriched, resource equipped, and intuition sparked directors of their healthcare decision making.  This is the fire of my work! As a holistic women’s health coach, I support women through health education and recommendations in lifestyle medicine, nutrition, hormone balance, and stress management.  

I’m dedicated to supporting you at any point in your journey, whether you are just starting to think about a family, or on your sixth IVF cycle.

Infertility causes you to dwell in the grey areas of life as you realize that uncertainty is intrinsic to the creation of new life.  Over time, the repetition of blood work, ultrasounds, and procedures can make you start to feel powerless over your body.  You’re worn-out. You feel like your body is broken, and you begin to guard your heart against expectation. Some days you may struggle with of low self-worth. You might wrestle against anxiety and depression.  Here’s the thing that no one talks about: going through infertility creates the same amount of emotional distress as experienced by a woman diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as cancer.

I know you are on a difficult journey, but you don’t have to be alone.

I am passionate about supporting your path to whole health: mind, body, and spirit.  Together we will gather the resources you need to feel emotionally grounded and physically vibrant so you can optimize your chances for a successful pregnancy.  In my office, your pain, desires, and needs will be heard. You’ll feel a sense of safety and encouragement. You’ll have the rare space to reflect, and we’ll collaborate to find you the best available evidence-based health solutions.

Meet Kindreth

I am replenished by the beauty of my garden in morning’s light, hearing the tranquil sounds of horses tucked into the barn,
nurturing my family, and creating home comforts.
My children are my whole world (and they know it)!
Riding my horse is my meditation and prayer.

I am deeply loyal. 

I am an introvert at heart.

I fell in love with my husband at first sight (truly)!

I calm myself by reading French cookbooks.

I believe that when women are healthy, at peace, and live from heart-inspired intuition, their family and community thrive.